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9 Secrets to Being Happy (According to Neil Pasricha’s “The Happiness Equation”) — A Million Happy Thoughts
Originally published at

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some sort of recipe we could follow that would give us happiness, love and joy?
“Mix together 1 part self-esteem with 2 parts relationships and 4 parts fulfillment. Bake for two hours and enjoy.”
Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with instructions like that. But sometimes, there are books that can help.
In his book “The Happiness Equation,” author Neil Pasricha shares what he believes are the nine secrets that will lead you to happiness.
Secret #1: Be Happy First
We’re often told that if we put in good work, we will be successful, and then we will be happy.
But in real life, it doesn’t work like that. Instead, happiness belongs at the beginning. If you’re happy, then you’ll do great work because you feel good about it. And great work leads to big success.
It’s okay to have negative thoughts. Everyone has them. Our species evolved to feel dissatisfied because it helped us seek out food and safety (and thus, survive). It’s normal to feel unhappy sometimes.
But research suggests that only 10% of our happiness is based on life circumstances. The other 90% of our happiness is based on our genetic predisposition and the specific things we do to improve our happiness.
That means you can actually train your brain to be happy. Some things that Pasricha suggests is walking three times a week, writing about positive experiences, doing acts of kindness, completely unplugging, meditating, and practicing gratitude.
Secret #2: Do It For You
There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is internal — you’re doing it because you want to. Extrinsic is external — you’re doing it because you get something for it.
Various studies show that when you do work for extrinsic rewards, such as making money, impressing teachers, or receiving gifts, the work will not be as good as if you do the work for intrinsic values, such as enjoying yourself.